Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How does miley curl her hair?????????

I want to know her secret on how she does it!

its so cute.My hair is a tiny bit longer than shoulder length but i am growing it out so ya...will it still work?

How does miley curl her hair?????????

they just crunch her hair up while they are blow drying it I do it to my step daughters all the time she loves her hair. Just put some gel in your hair while its wet and make sure you brush your hair out first then start blow drying your hair while doing that crunch your hair it will give you that look.

How does miley curl her hair?????????

she has a 200,0000 a year stylist to do it for her

How does miley curl her hair?????????

I'm assuming you mean Miley Cyrus...?

It's not really a secret: She has professionals curling her hair. It's quite difficult for an average person to do it for herself. However, a curling iron or curlers should do the trick. Her curls are generally very shaped and almost closer to big waves than curls, so scrunching your hair will not give you the same look. For a big event, your hairstylist can curl your hair for you -- take a photo of Miley to show exactly what you want. But just in general, a curling iron and hot curlers should work just fine. And don't forget hairspray, otherwise, the curls won't stay defined. Just so you know: It can take awhile, and it curls don't come easily to all hair types. But good luck!! =]

How does miley curl her hair?????????

well not really it needs to be a little longer, but try medium sized hair rollers with some hairspray or hair gel, it should work, but to have it the exact way with ur length it will be hard

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