Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going

i found a cute dress and i know how i want my hair but none of my close friends are going, is it worth me going or not since i am a freshman and its my first dance.

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

If the school formal is an event that has some meaning to you personally, then you should go for your own reasons. Don't make a decision based upon what other people are doing. Following others is a great way to turn out exactly the way others plan for you to turn out in life. I know the question of wether or not you are going to the dance may not seem like a big deal right now but at your age, you need to start off on the right foot and begin to make your own decisions. You've already found a dress and scheduled a hair appointment. Sounds like you're on the right path so far. Who knows, you may find an awesome new friend there. Have fun!

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

yeah i thin you should go, you might meet some cool new people :D

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

you know this might be a great oppourtunitie for you. you coul make a new friend. but yeah i think you should go. it is your first dance and then you will have something to talk about that your friends wont. And, who knows you might meet a HOTTIE at the party.

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

All i have to say is...GO! Just because a few other people aren't going, you should be able to have the fun you deserve! You can't let a little thing like that spoil your night...i mean there are probably so many other people that would love to hang out with you there...so you should definitely go!


My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

Absolutely you should go. Have fun and make some more friends. Look dynamite in that dress and show off that hair doo. Go get em' tiger.

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

YOU NEED TO GO. There are so many good times to have and if they are willing to miss out, that is their problem.... you go and have a good time. I let my boyfriend (now my husband) make me miss a couple of dances and I STILL think about it and the fun I missed out on!

My schools formal is the 2nd and i have a dress and hair app. but none of my close friends are going should i?

If it's something that you really want to do, deep down in your heart, then heck yeah, go! Go, dance, mingle and have a blast. You'll learn soon enough that it's better to do the things that bring you true joy, even when you're the only one going that path.

Dance until your socks melt.

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